Fish Identification Books for Scuba Divers

scuba diver smiling underwater

A diver's field guide to fish id.

Whether you just got your open water certification or you have hundreds of dives, Underwater Spotter guides gives you a whole new purpose for being underwater.

These fish identification books simplify the concepts of identification. You learn first how to identify by family, body type, and behavior, as well as how to identify between commonly confused species. And don't forget the fun of checking them off after you spot them underwater!

  • Fish ID Made Simple

    Unlike the other fish ID options for divers on the market, Underwater Spotter is concise and purpose driven. It's not thousands of pages long or only a single card. Learn to identify fish families and 2 local species of each.

  • New Underwater Purpose

    The "go-find-it" aspect of the guides give you a reason for diving until you find all 52 fish in the book! Can you reach the Whale Shark level and check them all off?

  • All About The Fishy Facts

    The books teach you fun facts and behaviors to look for while you're diving. Learning their world and how they operate adds a new understanding of the sea life around you.

Your Personal Fish Log

Jump out of the water, log your dives, and check off the fish you saw! Underwater Spotter guides are like focused dive logs for the sea life you encounter.

A fish ID book for scuba divers isn’t just a reference—it’s a way to enhance every dive. By recognizing fish families, behaviors, and key markings, you’ll start spotting patterns and remembering species more easily. Plus, tracking what you see makes every dive more exciting!